Client: James Himing, Industry: Film & Television, Services: Brand Identity
JH Props is a solo venture based in Vancouver by prop designer James Himing.
James was looking for branding that would speak to his craft and the blend of technology in it, James uses 3d Printing heavily in his work and thus builds a lot of it in 3d applications.
The goal for creating his brand was to focus on relaying this to his potential clients to set him apart from other prop designers who take a more traditional approach.
Working with Grids
The grid system seen on the right here was used to create the letterforms for the logo to be reminiscent of polygons used in 3d modelling, alluding to a more technical attitude towards creating props.
A number of experiments can be seen below here using this grid system.
Augmented Reality
One of the conditions of the logomark was to have it easily work as an AR marker on business cards, this is part of the reason we stuck with a square overall shape (AR markers are required to be in a square frame), on the mockup below the logo has been slightly adjusted with a border to allow its use as an AR marker.
Technical Documentation
As James works a lot in creating electronic props, they often require documentation to accompany them, below is a look at the design of a user manual for one of his RFID Card Reader Props, covering all the basics of operation.

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