Client: Method (Contest Entry), Industry: Household Cleaning Products, Services: Illustration & Motion Design
Method were looking for a piece to speak to their client base about positively spending time during quarantine and the benefits of having this time to look inward.
I have focused this piece on the couple things that I have been doing with my time that I can look at in a positive light which has been yoga, and looking after an inordinate amount of houseplants.
Initial Sketching
Above you can see a number of initial avenues that were looked at for this project, after a lot of deliberation and ideas of how subtle animation could be added to these ideas to bring life into the illustration, it was narrowed down.
Once a direction was decided upon the sketching stages of the illustration began, you can see here on the right the stages, from blocking out a vague shape of the person to adding areas of clothing.
Following this it was brought into Illustrator to start building it up to an animation ready piece which can be seen in the images below.
Creating Motion
The Completed Illustration can be seen below in full, from here the shapes that made up the image were imported into After Effects to create the final animation.